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15/12/22 webinar CLEVER by negawatt,
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15/12/22 webinar CLEVER by negawatt,

CLEVER (a Collaborative Low Energy Vision for the European Region) aims to propose an ambitious and realistic decarbonisation pathway for Europe, based on sufficiency, efficiency, renewables and the bottom-up aggregation of national scenarios.

Événement en Anglais

Webinar Clever par negawatt

CLEVER webinar: first scenario results and lessons for Europe

The CLEVER partners are very happy to invite you to our webinar: ⁂

“CLEVER first scenario results and lessons for Europe”

on the 15th of December, from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST ⁂

  • The first session, from 10:00 to 11:00, will present the major CLEVER assumptions and modelling methodology, together with first global results and recommendations.
  • The second session, from 11:00 to 12:00, will present first results for major consumption sectors (mainly buildings, mobility and industry), as well as for energy supply and carrier balances.

CLEVER experts propose a pathway to reconcile climate and sustainability imperatives

Our experts around Europe are working hard to finalise national and European trajectories of our bottom-up scenario based on the sufficiency, efficiency, renewables framework. With this work, we would like to propose a pathway which reconciles the long-term climate and sustainability imperatives with the short-term energy security constraints and practical feasibility of such a transformation. We are of course looking at target levels for efficiency, renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and beyond, so as to meet ambitious goals of climate neutrality and 100% renewables as early as possible.

At the same time, we also very much enquire into what these transformations imply for individual sectors and countries, their pace and depthand what policies are required to deliver them – and what role sufficiency can play in achieving them. With our approach, based on harnessing the energy demand potential in national contexts, we aim to propose sound and sustainable levels of renewable energy and power-to-X deployment for Europe and to minimise import dependency. 

CLEVER Modelling needs your input

Finally, our bottom-up approach should enable us to feed into the debate on a just transition by fostering increased solidarity and convergence between Member States. On 15 December we shall discuss some of the above issues, based on the first results of the CLEVER modelling. We count on your active participation, comments and questions, which will help us in the final stage towards publication of the complete scenario in the Spring 2023. We look forward to exchanging with you! With thanks and best wishes


The CLEVER scenario (Collaborative Low Energy Vision for the European Region) evaluates all potentials for energy demand reduction (sufficiency and efficiency) and renewable energy development at the national and European level. It will propose an action plan to reach carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050 at the very latest, together with a 100% renewable mix. This is being achieved through an innovative bottom-up approach: the modelling starts with the definition of energy demand through sufficiency, before optimising its intensity thanks to efficiency, and finally fulfilling the production needed through renewable energies. Scenario-builders from think tanks, NGOs, universities and consultancies from 22 European countries are working on national trajectories and their European aggregation, under the leadership of the négaWatt association. 

A number of deliverables are already available online including project presentations, briefing notes on sufficiency, or technical notes on industry and the residential sector.

Source en Français :

Source in English :

Special thanks to Stephane Bourgeois European relations and policies manager, négaWatt Association, on behalf of the CLEVER network